
  • How Can You Determine The Value Of Commercial Real Estate

    Commercial real estate is not valued the same way as homes are, and determining the value of a property is often completed by looking at the current net income of the building. If you are looking for commercial real estate to purchase, you should learn more about how and why this is done. Here are three things you may want to know. Why net income affects the value There is not just one method to use for calculating commercial property values, but a common one involves basing its value on the net income of the property.
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  • Buying A New Construction Home

    If you are in the market to buy a new home and are interested in a home that is being newly constructed, you will have a somewhat different buying experience than someone who is buying a home that was pre-owned. You will be buying from the building instead of the previous homeowner, making the rules a bit different when it comes to the purchasing procedure. Here is some information that you can use to help you when you are in the process of looking at newly constructed homes.
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