Make Your Home For Sale Look And Feel Secure With These Strategies

Posted on: 15 December 2016

When you hold an open house for your home for sale, the people who attend will be evaluating a variety of factors. One of the things that will often be in prospective buyers' minds is whether your home feels secure. An open house gives you the chance to show that your residence is indeed secure without necessarily emphasizing it overtly. Instead, adopting a number of simple strategies will subtly show those who attend the event that they feel secure in your home — and that, in part, may compel them to make an offer. Here are some things that you can do.

Enhanced Exterior Lighting

If you've holding an open house in the evening, people will notice whether the exterior of your home is brightly lit or shadowy. A brightly lit home will make the residence feel welcoming, but it will also suggest that your yard would likely be avoided by nighttime prowlers. Many prospective buyers would feel uneasy about a yard that appears dark, but the presence of lights around the home will eliminate this concern.

Carefully Trimmed Vegetation

A home with an overgrown yard may be targeted by burglars, given that the dense vegetation provides a place for these criminals to lurk while they watch your home. If you make a point of carefully trimming any vegetation to eliminate the potential for these hiding spots, this concern will never enter the minds of your prospective buyers. Instead, they'll feel at ease when they see your open yard.

Locks On Each Window

Virtually every home will have a lock on each of its exterior doors, but not all homes have locks on the windows. If you don't currently have locking mechanisms on your windows, and especially on those on the ground floor, take some time to either install these locks yourself or hire a general contractor to do this work for you. Locks on these windows enhance the safety of the home by limiting the ability of someone to gain entry through a window.

Smart Functionality

Smart devices that are located throughout your home can be evident to those who attend your open house, sending a clear message that this residence is safe. Things such as a video camera mounted in the doorbell that will allow the homeowner to view who is outside on his or her smartphone, for example, is an example of smart functionality that people will find appealing. Interior and exterior cameras that can be controlled via smartphone are another example of smart technology.
