You Can Ask To Have These Repairs Completed Before You Buy A Home

Posted on: 13 December 2016

If you've found a home that fits your search criteria but there are certain elements of the residence in disrepair, you don't necessarily have to abandon the hope that you'll be able to buy the home. Instead, you can work closely with your real estate agent to draft up a purchase offer that is conditional on having some repairs completed. This will then give the current owner an opportunity to hire the necessary contractors to get the work done. Upon the completion of the work, you'll have the right to confirm that everything has been done to your satisfaction. Here are some repairs that you shouldn't be afraid of asking to have completed.

Leaky Roof

It can often be evident when a house's roof needs to be replaced. This isn't an expense that you'll want to take on after buying the home, so you might wish to request that this work is completed before you make the purchase. The homeowner will then want to hire a reputable roofing contractor to get the job done. If the owner hires someone who will simply replace the shingles but not address any water damage to the sheathing, trusses, or attic that may have resulted from the old shingles being worn out, you'll still have the right to say that the work doesn't meet your approval.

Dented Walls 

A series of dents and holes in the walls of the home might seem like a minor problem, but you likely don't want to spend a day filling them, sanding them, and then painting over them once you move in. You can submit an offer with the request that all this work is satisfactorily completed before you move forward with the sale. This will prompt the homeowner to perform these small repairs that will save you time and effort if you decide to buy the home.

Worn-Out Windows

If you or your real estate agent notice that one or more of the windows in the home is worn out, this can be a big project and an expensive one for you to address. It's better to request that the current homeowner has the windows replaced. This way, you won't have to tend to this duty immediately upon moving in, which is especially ideal if you're moving in during the fall or winter, as worn-out windows could allow hot interior air to escape, thus raising your heating costs.

For more information, contact local professionals like Foxfire Realty, Inc.
