How To Have An Open House To Help Sell Your Home

Posted on: 13 December 2016

When you select a real estate agent to help you sell your home, this person will become your home selling agent. This agent will help you find ways to make your home more marketable and will advertise the sale of your home. In addition, the agent may recommend planning an open house to attract more people to your home. If you have never had an open house before, here are a few things you should know.

The Purpose

An open house is an event where people are invited to come view your home. Your home selling agent will be present during this time, and it will usually last for a few hours one day or possibly two days during a weekend. During this time, people will hopefully show up to take a look at your home. They will be encouraged to ask questions and take their time as they view your house. The ultimate goal of an open house is to attract a lot of people to your home to hopefully obtain an offer on your house.

Ways You Can Prepare

There are many things you may need to do to prepare for this event, but the main thing is to make sure your house is as clean and tidy as possible. Take time before this event to really deep clean every area of your home, including the closets, basement, and garage. You should also make sure your yard looks as good as possible.

In addition, you may want to bake or purchase cookies or treats to serve to those that come. By offering snacks, people may linger around your kitchen and talk to the agent that you hired. This offers a great opportunity for your agent to talk about the highlights and features your home has to offer.

If you have pets, you should get rid of them for the day. It's not a good idea to have cats or dogs wandering around a house while prospective buyers are there looking at it.

Ways Your Agent Can Prepare

Your agent will also have some preparing to do for this event. The main thing he or she must do is advertise. This can be done online or by hanging up flyers. The agent may also post flags or other types of attractions in your yard so that people who are driving by will see that there is an open house.

Having an open house is a great way to get people to your home, and it is also a great way to find out what people think of your house. To learn more about selling your house, contact a real estate agent in your neighborhood. 
