Four Differences Between Planning A Local Move And Planning A Long Distance Move

Posted on: 11 November 2016

If you've only moved long distances before and you're planning to move locally or vice versa, you may not realize that local moves and long distance moves are two entirely different ballgames. You'll need to plan your budget differently because costs are calculated differently, plan your packing differently because of state regulations, and more. Here are four ways these two types of moves can be different.

1. How moving costs are calculated

If you're just moving across town, the moving company is less likely to care how much your belongings weigh. Instead, they may simply base the prices on how much time the move takes them. But if you're moving across several states, that changes. Not only are the charges based on weight for a cross-country move, but there may be additional complications such as different wage requirements in different states, requiring that the workers get paid more when in the more expensive states, which may then mean that the company will have to calculate the prices accordingly. 

2. Regulations about what you can and can't bring

For a long-distance move, firearms and ammunition may be much more strictly regulated in the state you're going to (or even the states you're just driving through) than in the state you're leaving. Some states even have regulations about driving through the state with a legally owned firearm. And many states have regulations regarding plants; quarantines may exist that could prevent you from entering the state with your houseplants. Check all the states you'll drive into for any quarantines regarding plants before you plan to bring them with you.

3. You may have to ship your car

Another difference between long-distance and local is that if you're just moving across town, you can probably find someone to drive your second car over for you (or give you a ride back to pick it up). Inter-state travel, though, is likely to prevent this. If you're moving across the country, you may need to look into having your second car shipped (or selling it before the move).

4. Moving company qualifications

Local moving companies may only be licensed in their home state, whereas those that also deal in long-distance moves need to have Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration approval. This fact can play a role in choosing your moving company before the move.

These four points show how different the long-distance moving business and the local moving business can be. Some companies offer both types of moves, but you'll need to be sure before you start planning to use a particular company. Contact a company like Bekins Van Lines Inc to learn more.
