Why A Buyer Should Be Present During The Home Inspection

Posted on: 26 June 2019

When buying a home, it is advisable to have it inspected by a professional property inspector. The inspector will issue an inspection report that describes the structural condition of the house and its installations. If you have any concerns as to what will be looked at during the inspection, contact a company like The Taylor Team before making an appointment. Below are some of the reasons you should be present during the inspection. 

You Get To Ask Questions

One of the best things about being present during the home inspection is that you can ask questions and get answers on the spot. You can ask the inspector what they are looking for during the inspection. You can ask the inspector about the durability of certain appliances, such as heating appliances. As long as you don't pester the inspector, they will be more than happy to answer your questions.

You Can Point Out Your Concerns

Another advantage of being present is that you can point out your concerns and have them addressed by the inspector. For example, if heating and cooling appliances are dear to you, you can inform the inspector so they can spend a few extra minutes to confirm the condition of the existing heating and cooling system. Maybe your layman observation has identified the foundation as a cause for concern; the inspector can reveal more about the foundation if you inform them of your suspicions.

You Can Inspect the House Further

As the inspector is going about their professional job, you can also do your own inspection of the property. Maybe you didn't walk every inch of the property during the viewing; you can inspect every remaining inch during the inspection. You can even inspect aesthetic concerns of the property, which the inspector may not put much emphasis on.

You Get Reassurance on the Thoroughness of the Inspection

If you are present during the inspection, you get to see the inspector do their work and reassure yourself that the inspection fee is not in vain. If you stay away and get an inspection report, especially one that doesn't reveal much information (in your opinion), you might think that the inspector didn't do much.

You Get In-Depth Explanation

Lastly, there is just so much that the home inspector can put down on the inspection report. If you are there in person, the inspector may address even relatively minor issues that the report may just mention in passing. In the end, you get a more thorough inspection report than you would get if you didn't attend the inspection.
