2 Features To Look For In A Townhouse That Can Increase Resale Value And Buyer Interest

Posted on: 19 December 2016

Looking for a new townhouse can be a fun experience, but it can also be incredibly difficult to pick the right one for you and your family, especially if you want a townhouse that you will be able to sell for a decent profit in the future. Listed below are two features to look for in a townhouse that will increase resale value and buyer interest when you decide to sell it.

Buy An End Unit

One of the biggest fears that people have when they consider moving into a townhouse is that the neighbors that they share a wall with are going to be excessively loud, which will greatly decrease the amount of comfort and relaxation that they can experience in their own home. As a result, one of the best options that you can look into when buying a new townhouse is a townhouse that is located on the end of a row of townhouses, mostly because that townhouse will only share walls with one neighbor. Not only will purchasing an end unit help ensure that your home is quiet and peaceful, but it will also be much more interesting and attractive to potential buyers when you sell the townhome, which also means that you may be able to ask for a premium when you list the house for sale.

Consider Townhomes With A Yard

Another great feature to look for in a townhouse if you want to catch a buyer's interest in the future is a yard. The reason for this is that most people who look at getting a townhouse are generally assuming that they are going to have to forgo a yard completely, mostly because the vast majority of townhouses do not have any type of yard space. As a result, if you do manage to purchase a townhouse with a small yard, buyers will be more interested in that particular townhouse than other similarly-sized townhouses in the area, particularly if those buyers happen to be pet owners.

Contact a real estate agent in your area today to discuss what features to consider in a townhouse for sale if you want to maximize resale value and buyer interest if you should choose to sell the home in the future. End units and yards are both great features to consider when buying a townhouse as they will make it easier to sell the home and get you more money when it is time to sell and move on. 
